
Thursday, October 27, 2011

asbestosis in my neighborhood

One day when explaining a bit about lung disease pulmonary asbestosis to one of my neighbors, I was just explaining what it is asbestosis?. he seemed quite interested in my explanation of asbestosis.

Somehow in the next day he came to my house and he said he wanted to know more detail about asbestosis like, what it is asbestosis?, The symptoms of asbestosis and others about asbestosis.

I asked him, for what you find out more about this and he replied asbestosis because I work in the field of manufacture of asbestos. The answer that made me quite surprised because I know the cause asbestosis in general is asbestos. I told him how long have you worked in the field of manufacture of asbestos and he answered just three months ago.

occurs between our brief conversation between the two of us But I thought about asbestosis information I gave was enough to make him understand. Such conversations that happen between us, let's say my neighbor's name is Andy.

ANDI         : Explain to me what it is asbestosis?
ME             : Asbestosis is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, in which the lungs extensive scar tissue is formed.
Asbestos fibers consist of silicate minerals with different chemical composition. If inhaled, asbestos fibers settle in the lungs, causing scarring. Inhalation of asbestos can also cause thickening of the pleura (the membrane that lines the lungs).

ANDI       : What are the causes asbestosis?
ME           : Inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause scarring (fibrosis) in the lungs. Lung tissue fibrosis that form can not inflate and deflate properly. Severity of the disease depends on the duration of exposure and the number of fibers inhaled.

Exposure to asbestos can be found in the mining and milling industries, construction and other industries. Exposure to asbestos workers' families can also occur from particles brought home on the clothing workers.
Diseases caused by asbestos include:
  •     Pleural plaques
  •     Malignant mesothelioma
  •     Pleural effusion.

ANDI        : What are symptoms asbestosis?
ME            : Symptoms asbestosis appear gradually and emerging only after the formation of scar tissue in large quantities and the lungs lose their elasticity.

The first symptoms are shortness of breath and a mild decrease in the ability to perform calisthenics. About 15% of patients, will experience severe shortness of breath and respiratory failure.

Heavy smokers with chronic bronchitis and asbestosis, will suffer from coughing and wheezing. Inhaling asbestos fibers can sometimes lead to accumulation of fluid in the space between two membranes lining the lungs. Although rare, asbestos can also cause Tumo called mesotheliomas in the pleura or the lining of the abdomen, called peritoneal mesotheliomas.

Mesotheliomas caused by asbestos are malignant and incurable. Mesotheliomas generally arise after exposure krokidolit, one of four types of asbestos. Amosit, the other type, also cause mesotelioma.Krisotil may not cause mesothelioma, but sometimes tainted by tremolit that can cause mesothelioma. Mesothelioma usually occurs after exposure for 30-40 years.

Lung cancer will occur in patients with asbestosis who also smoke, especially those who smoke more than one pack a day.
Other symptoms that may be found:
  •     cough
  •     tightness in chest
  •     chest pain
  •     nail abnormalities or clubbing of fingers (fingers form that resembles a drum percussion).

ANDI         : How is the diagnosis of asbestosis?
ME             : On physical examination using a stethoscope, will hear the sound crackles. To confirm the diagnosis, usually done the following checks:
  •     Chest X-rays
  •     Lung function tests
  •     CT scan of the lung.

ANDI       : How is the treatment asbestosis?
ME           : supportive treatment to cope with the symptoms is to remove mucus / phlegm from the lungs through the procedure postural drainage, chest percussion and vibration. Given drugs to thin the mucus spray. May need to be given oxygen, either through a facemask (mask) or through a plastic tube mounted on the nostril. Sometimes performed lung transplantation. Fatal mesothelioma, chemotherapy is not very useful and removal of the tumor does not cure cancer.

After I explained all that he asked about the lung disease asbestosis caused by asbestos which he says that he has understood what is asbestosis?.

There is one thing he's saying really makes me very surprised when diya stated that she experienced symptoms asbestosis that I mentioned earlier. I paused to think whether he is experiencing the symptoms asbestosis did she say?, Whether it's as fast as asbestos fibers that cause asbestosis attacking his lungs? and whether this is just excessive worries me alone.

I immediately advised him to get his medicine memerikskan lung asbestosis terrible neighbor problem to ascertain whether the symptoms he experienced the symptoms asbestosis or just plain gejalas influ inza. The next day he came again to my house and he said that he had checked himself into the lung doctor. I asked him how the results of the examination the doctor he said I should wait for the results laboratium for sure what really happened to him.

How do you think happened to the neighbor is my neighbor, whether he was experiencing was actually symptoms asbestosis or just common cold symptoms. y really is happening is because the symptoms asbestosis was before he worked in the manufacture of asbestos he had lived next asbestos manufacturing plant is in the moments before he worked at the plant.

Make sure you read the posts below to find out complete information asbestosis :

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How is Asbestosis Diagnosed?

How is Asbestosis Diagnosed?
Asbestosis is a respiratory disease caused by exposure to asbestos and fibers.
Asbestosis is also called idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis, asbestosis affects the lung parenchyma tissue, and is characterized by symptoms such as dyspnea, or shortness of breath, and increased risk of developing various types of lung cancer. In fact, mesothelioma is a complication that can arise in patients with asbestosis.
you still remember it was not the explanation in my post, what is asbestosis?

Now we will discuss HOW asbestosis diagnosed?
Asbestosis can be difficult to diagnose as symptoms can take several decades before it appeared.

Also because of poor record keeping and regulation of the construction industry last year, it?hard for people to be able to identify and prove exposure to asbestos.

So how is it possible to correctly diagnose the condition?
Diagnosis is possible through the presence of common symptoms associated with asbestosis. Common symptoms include:

     Shortness of breath after the move? getting worse over time, Shortness of breath at rest and during sleep, Chest pain and tightness caused by scar tissue from asbestos. Symptoms often describe it as, like a rubber band around the chest,??  Chronic cough without fever that may be dry or productive.

This is a common symptom that may be applicable to several pulmonary diseases. So the other tests and diagnostic tools are essential. These include:
Chest X-rays? which will show scarring, inflammation, and lung calcification. Chest imaging? can indicate the presence of tumors or cancer. Personal history? important for the diagnosis asbestosis and the need to include the history of those close to patients who have been exposed to asbestosis as it travels so easily. Lung biopsy? the best for a definitive diagnosis asbestosis, but it is rarely done because as there is no cure, treatment is directed at reducing the symptoms of the disease.

we must understand asbestosis to ascertain whether we are exposed to asbestosis or not, let's say as an act of your knowledge about asbestosis. if you are exposed to asbestosis telh I expect you to immediately see a physician about asbestosis.

if you forget what it was asbestosis please re-post my bac specifically discuss what it is asbestosis?
quite up here before  the discussion about How is asbestosis diagnosed? for  more specific info about asbestosis I will discuss in my next post. I hope this post helpful to you seeking information about asbestosis.


Asbestosis, What is Asbestosis ?

what it is asbestosis?
Asbestosis is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, in which the lungs extensive scar tissue is formed.
Asbestosis disease is due to inhalation of asbestos dust, causing penumokoniosis characterized by pulmonary fibrosis. Exposure can occur in therah industry and mining, can also occur in the area around the factory or the mine where the air is polluted by asbestos dust. Workers can be exposed to asbestosis is working in the mines, milling, transportation, merchant, ship workers and asbestos workers destroyer.
asbestosisIn the early stages of asbestosis may be no symptoms although radiographic images showed asbestosis or pleural thickening. The main  symptoms asbestosis is shortness of breath that initially occurs at the time of activity. In the later stages a common symptom is shortness at rest, coughing and weight loss. Shortness of breath continued to deteriorate even though the patient be kept away from exposure to asbestos; 15 years after the onset of the disease usually occurs cor pulmonale and death. Patients often experience respiratory tract infections; malignancy in brunkus, gastrointestinal and pleura are often the cause of death
ExaminationIn the early stages many of the physical examination showed no abnormalities, due to diffuse fibrosis can be wet sounding crackles in the posterior lower lobe. This sounds more clearly when there bronchiectasis due to extensive distortion due flbrosis paw. January clubbing (clubbing) senng found in asbestosis.

RadiologicalChanges in chest X-ray is more obvious in the middle and bottom of the paw, can be either diffuse spots or spots that patht, shadow heart often becomes blurred. Diafagma be rising at an advanced stage because of shrinking paw. Pleural thickening usually occurs biral, visible in the middle and lower areas, especially when arising calcification. When the process further look at the picture of a wasp nest lower lobe. May be found in bronchial malignancy or mesothelioma. Unlike the coal penumokoniosis asbestosis and silicosis which patients may have symptoms of shortness of breath without chest radiograph abnormalities.
Physiology Lung Examination.

Examination of lung physiology showed abnormalities restriction though no symptoms in most patients there are abnormalities obsiruksi asbestosis. Diffusion capacity and decreased lung compliance, hypoxemia occurs at an advanced stage.

Lung BiopsyLung biopsy may be necessary in certain cases to establish the diagnosis. Transbronchial lung biopsy should be done to mendapakatan lung tissue. Bronchoscopy examination is also useful rule out or confirm the presence of bronchial carcinoma found together.

Treatment and Prevention.
There is no specific treatment and effective on a lung disease caused by dust industries such as asbestosis. The disease usually have symptoms when abnormalities lanjuL In silicosis and asbestosis diagnosis has been established when the disease may continue to be massive fibrosis although the exposure is removed. When the pulmonary physiology have shown abnormalities in obstructive bronchitis industry, meaning abnormality has become irreversibleTreatment is generally symptoms asbestosis, which is to reduce symptoms. Another drug that is given is supportivePreventive action is the most hoops action on the management of pulmonary disease caused by industrial dust. Various precautions need to be done to prevent disease or reduce the rate of disease. Please note whether in an industry or workplace there are substances that can cause abnormalities in the lungs or can cause asbestosis. Levels of dust in the workplace lowered as low as possible by improving materials processing techniques, such as water usage to reduce the flying dust. If levels remain high dust of workers required to wear protective equipment. Pulmonary physiology and radiological examination before a worker and a periodic examination for early detection of abnormalities that arise. If someone has mendenita disease asbestosis, move to a place that is not exposed might reduce the rate of diseaseWorkers should stop smoking, especially when working in places that have a risk of disease idustri bronchitis and lung cancer, because cigarette smoke thpat elevate the risk of diseasePatients who are atopic ideally recommended to avoid the obvious place thpat trigger asthma attacks, such as silk production, detergents, and the work that has exposure to platinum salts. Industries and workplaces that have a high risk of causing asthma attacks should not menenima atopic employees. Workers who work should be avoided mendenita asthma and exposure to substances in the workplace.

The question that must be planted in your heart is whether you are working can cause asbestosis or not?

in my post tomorrow will be discussed about what it is asbestosis?. to expect you to understand clearly what is associated with asbestosis.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Smoking and Asbestosis

Asbestosis and mesothelioma are two different diseases. Asbestosis occurs when a person is exposed to asbestos materials at work or at home for an extended period of time. Prolonged exposure to this material causes scarring in the lung tissue which in turn can cause breathing difficulties. Patients must keep in mind that asbestosis is not considered to be mesothelioma. This can lead, however, the development of mesothelioma symptoms if not diagnosed and treated properly. Once the disease is discovered by a physician, it is difficult to treat and eliminate because of capacity development into other forms of lung disease and cancer.

If someone has been exposed to asbestos materials, there are certain ways in which cancer can be prevented. Most importantly, asbestos is used in new homes and office buildings has come to stop because of the risk. If a person is exposed through their work site, however, he must be told by her employer because of federal and state regulations. This is the choice of employees to determine whether or not he or she feels comfortable in an environment containing material.

Another important way to reduce the risk of contracting asbestosis is to stop smoking completely. Smoking does not cause the type of disease, but may increase the risk. Smoking, especially combined with alcohol or other drug use, are a serious threat to the health of patients. Asbestosis is caused by smoking, but smoking speeds the process of developing health complications. Number of smoking and the length of time someone has been smoking contributes to whether or not he or she may contract a lung disease related. Therefore, patients who smoke for a long time (especially those who started when they were young) have a higher chance of lung cancer and other diseases. Location of different cancers (lung, esophagus, and oral cavity) depending on the type of tobacco product use.

By giving up smoking, asbestosis may increase a patient's life expectancy and can be treated quickly, with fewer complications. Some individuals who have been exposed to asbestos and non-smokers still have the risk of developing lung cancer types if they are around those who smoke heavily. Passive smoking, however, is twenty to thirty times less risk of developing cancer than those who were heavy smokers. It is important for non-smokers to be tested, especially if they believe that they have been infected with asbestos at any point in their lives. Just because someone does not smoke, does not mean they are safe from the impact that might follow from the inhalation of asbestos and passive smoking.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Asbestosis Treatment

After you find out about what is asbestosis?, now we will discuss the treatment  asbestosis.
Asbestosis, also called interstitial fibrosis rather than asbestos lung cancer are directly fatal. It is a lung disease that causes chronic inflammation of significant scarring of the tissue lining the lung parenchyma. Although not malignant diseases such as mesothelioma, asbestosis is still a serious condition that can cause a painful and debilitating symptoms asbestosis.

The lungs are responsible for the oxygenation of the blood while carbon dioxide is removed and exhaled. The development asbestosis and related parenchymal scarring inhibits gas exchange process, making it more difficult to provide the body with adequate blood oxygenation.

Smokers who have been exposed to asbestos are more likely to develop asbestosis or one of the more serious asbestos disease. Asbestosis sufferers who continue to smoke may further aggravate their condition, making the treatment for asbestosis is more difficult and significantly hinder daily activities.

Curative treatment Asbestosis

Like many diseases associated with asbestos, there is no curative treatment can be given to patients with asbestosis. Scar tissue that characterizes Asbestosis is an irreversible turn of events that, in certain cases, may require surgical removal of the lungs were too damaged to serve a purpose.

Asbestosis forever will inhibit the function of lung sufferers to a certain extent. As a result, asbestosis treatment is focused on providing victims with relief of symptoms through the use of palliative care.

Treatment of symptomatic disease or known as a palliative. Lung scarring associated with asbestosis is such that it can cause a significant decrease in total lung capacity of patients (TLC). As a result, doctors often give oxygen therapy for sufferers of asbestosis in order to provide relief from a sense of shortness of breath.

Excessive lung scarring can also result in the buildup of mucous secretions are more inhibited lung capacity. Thus, there are a number of palliative asbestosis treatments that are used to loosen and remove secretions from the lungs. The most common procedure used is postural drainage.

Postural drainage uses body position and specific gravity that keeps the head in a position lower than the chest. Position results in a gravity-assisted removal of lung secretions.

Postural drainage procedure is usually performed in conjunction with another technique called chest percussion palliative. Chest percussion involves physical applause chest to loosen lung secretions before postural drainage.

In addition, many asbestosis sufferers are treated with some medications used to help thin buildups and peripheral airway secretions are clearly in a way similar to chest percussion. Medications such as those believed to be more effective than chest percussion and therefore often used in conjunction with postural drainage treatment  asbestosis.

Hopefully posting on asbestosis treatment is beneficial for you all. Make sure you read the posts below to find out complete information asbestosis :

Saturday, October 15, 2011

General Question about asbestosis.

Probably still a few people in this world who knows what causes asbestosis? and asbestosis occurs. Whereas asbestosis was one of a lung disease that biased endanger someone's life if he is exposed to asbestosis.

For people who do not know about asbestosis will surely ask what is asbestosis?, What is the cause asbestosis? , What the symptoms asbestosis and many other questions associated with asbestosis akn ejected it.

Questions about asbestosis that we must answer is clearly to ensure that they receive information asbestosis can make them really understand, at least they know what is asbestosis?, symptoms asbestosis, cause asbestosis.

What is asbestoisi?
Actually I already explained what is asbestosis? in a particular post, where I explain in detail about what is asbestosis?. For complete information please click here what is asbestosis?.

What causes asbestosis?
What Did you already mempaca my post what is asbestosis?. If you telh aka tone finished reading another question is what causes asbestosis?, This problem also I will discuss in a special post that I would give the title of the cause asbestosis. For information lenkpnya wait and see I will discuss in another post.

What are the symptoms asbestosis?
After knowing what it is asbestosis? you have to know what the symptoms asbestosis. The symptoms asbestosis I have discussed in a few days ago you guys please read the posts that say give the title of the symptoms asbestosis or you can simply click here the symptoms asbestosis.

These three general questions about asbestosis it is enough to simply find out information representing asbestosis. However, there is still one more question which should be known by the public of how to treat sbestosis?. For this issue I will discuss later on another occasion.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Facts Asbestosis

Asbestosis, like mesothelioma, is a disease that could be avoided if it was possible to avoid asbestos fibers completely. Unfortunately, asbestos remains a ubiquitous part of America. It won't disappear anytime soon. Although many industrialized countries have banned asbestos, the United States is not one of those, preferring to just regulate a toxic substance that has proven to be deadly. It has value that businesses believe is worth the risk.

Here is a primer on asbestosis, just the facts and the figures:
  • Asbestosis is not a cancer, although it can increase the risk of developing either lung cancer or mesothelioma.
  • Asbestosis is a breathing disorder, a lung disease caused by a prolonged accumulation of asbestos fibers in the lungs. It causes scarring of lung tissues, leading to a gradual thickening.
  • Asbestosis symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they usually don't appear until many years after the exposure to asbestos.
  • An estimated 125 million people in the world today are exposed to asbestos in the workplace, according to the World Health Organizations.
  • Despite active removal efforts throughout the country, an estimated 1.3 million general-industry workers in the United States potentially are exposed each year to asbestos. Many of those are involved in the manipulation during renovation or demolition activities that involve asbestos.
  • There are an estimated 1,880 tons of asbestos imported annually into the Unites States, according to a United States Geology survey for manufacturing.
  • More than 107,000 people world-wide die each year from asbestos-related, occupational exposure, from illnesses like lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis.
  • Asbestosis is caused exclusively from an exposure to asbestos.
  • The United States and Canada are the last two industrial countries in the world that have not banned asbestos, although regulations do exist. More than 50 countries have banned asbestos.
  • Asbestosis was identified as the underlying cause of death for more than 9,000 people in the United States from 1968 to 2005, according to the American Public Health Association.
  • The first official diagnosis of asbestosis, described in medical literature, was made in 1924 by an English doctor. The patient was a textile worker named Nellie Kershaw. Her death resulted in the first asbestos-related industry regulations, which began in 1932.
  • There is no curative treatment for asbestosis. Treatments include oxygen therapy at home, which often relieves the shortness of breath and removes secretions from the lungs.
  • It can take anywhere from 10-50 years for symptoms asbestosis to occur following a first exposure to asbestos.

Make sure you read all the articles related to asbestosis as
to obtain complete information about asbestosis .

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Asbestosis Prognosis

Sometimes we do not recognize the symptoms asbestosis since asbestosis symptoms similar to regular flu symptoms. But if we feel the symptoms asbestosis long enough you should consult your medicine expert in the field of asbestosis.Asbestosis prognosis in general there are three forms, namely: Asbestosis Positive Prognosis, Asbestosis Prognosis Negative, asbestosis survivability.

An asbestosis prognosis can be determined following the diagnosis of the condition. When compared with people like that, a more serious asbestos disease malignant (malignant mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer, asbestos larynx cancer), asbestosis prognosis is usually more positive, although it is important to read about the prognosis of mesothelioma has an accurate comparison between these two malignancies.

Like most other asbestos diseases, asbestosis (pulmonary fibrosis) is latent and can take decades to fully develop and become symptom. Prolonged exposure to asbestos puts a person at increased risk of developing asbestosis cases, however, not clear exactly how much exposure is a significant risk asbestosis.

Asbestosis can be determined prognosis following diagnosis of lung cancer to asbestos. The development of asbestosis symptoms, including cough, shortness of breath and chest, usually ask the patient to seek medical attention. After the initial physical assessment of the patient, the doctor will apply the use of chest imaging scan (x-rays, MRIs, CT scans) so as to view the lungs to make sure the symptoms asbestosis. Scarring of the lung parenchymal tissue associated with the onset of asbestosis can be seen clearly through the scan of the chest. Asbestosis prognosis depends on the amount of scarring that has occurred.

Asbestosis Prognosis Positive

small asbestosis may only require the use of bronchodilators and other medications designed to thin lung secretions and improve breathing. Asbestosis palliative care, such as postural drainage and chest percussion, which is often used to loosen mucus buildups in the lungs, further improve breathing. If a patient with asbestosis hampered by the small fluid collections, drainage can help to provide relief from chest pain.

Asbestosis Prognosis Negative

Serious cases asbestosis may require ongoing treatment. Significant lung scarring can cause severe reduction in total lung capacity (TLC). While asbestosis itself is non-malignant and do not directly fatal, the effect can be attributed to the rise of secondary conditions that can lead to death. For example, a significant reduction in total lung capacity can lead to congestive heart failure.

Asbestosis is associated with congestive heart failure because the heart must work harder to push blood through the lungs damaged. Fatigue as the heart muscles weaken causing vital organs, and fluid accumulates in the lungs. This buildup of fluid forcing the heart to pump harder to heart weakens and becomes too much work in such a way that failed, causing death.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), there are about 550 deaths associated with asbestosis in 2001. Death is caused as a result of complications asbestosis.

Asbestosis Survivability

Although asbestosis is a lung disease can not be cured, patients can live with the condition for years without giving up on a secondary effect. Asbestosis palliative care can help to limit the effects of the disease and improve the daily sufferers' lives, however, scarring of lung tissue is irreversible problem that will forever affect the patient's asbestosis.

Asbestosis information:

Monday, October 10, 2011

symptoms asbestosis

A few days ago I have explained briefly about the symptoms asbestosis. So now I will discuss the symptoms asbestosis in detail and clearly. Along with mesothelioma, lung cancer, pleural disease, and several other conditions, asbestosis is one of several diseases associated with inhalation of asbestos fibers over long time periods. It is unknown what level of exposure to asbestos, if any, is safe. Even family members of asbestos industry workers are at risk for contracting the disease-related asbestosis from inhaling fibers brought home shoes and clothes of family members. However, unlike many other diseases associated with asbestos that can be caused by things other than asbestos, asbestosis is only caused by asbestos exposure. No other potential sources.

Asbestosis usually takes between 20 to 30 years, or more, to manifest itself after exposure to asbestos.

Unlike asbestos lung cancer or malignant mesothelioma cancer, asbestosis is not cancerous diseases, is also not considered as asbestos cancer, but not the kind of lung fibrosis. This means that the sacs in the lungs where fresh oxygen is transferred into the blood stream of carbon dioxide is filtered and used to be full of fibroid tissue. The fibroid tissue, which is like scar tissue, building up to the lungs can not expand properly in order to allow the patient to take a full breath of air. What does not make the air into the lungs can not transfer into the blood stream. As a result the person has a debilitating respiratory disease and potentially fatal.

Symptoms asbestosis progress as the disease gets worse. There are usually no symptoms or very mild symptoms in the early exposed to asbestosis, followed by a gradual building number and severity of symptoms. One specific early symptoms asbestosis is shortness of breath, or dyspnea. The shortness of breath is most noticeable when the person is exercising, and as conditions worsened, even asbestosis occurs when the patient does not exert himself. It can also begin to feel as though a lot of effort is required to take a breath, and in fact this is true. As the scar tissue forming in the lungs and they become more and more rigid, requiring more physical effort to force them to expand to allow retrieval of breath. These problems are diagnosed and measured by lung function tests: tests that measure the ability of the lungs' to hold the air, and the amount of air can be exhaled with force. Symptoms asbestosis include persistent dry cough, chronic fatigue, chest pain that gets worse in a full breath, also called pleuritic pain, weight loss that can not be explained, and the crackling sound on inhalation when a doctor listening to the lungs with a stethoscope .

A less common symptoms asbestosis is a thickening of the fingertips, called clubbing, and sometimes associated with changes in the appearance of nails.

As asbestosis can cause worsening of other medical complications that have signs and symptoms of their own. Once scar tissue has built up to the point of causing serious problems with developing lungs, can also cause high blood pressure from the lungs, pleuritic hypertension. This in turn can cause heart problems, including right ventricular enlargement and eventually heart failure. Exposure to asbestos-related conditions continue to make bad, so it is important to avoid exposure to asbestos continues. It is also important to avoid smoking, which makes all the bad conditions or exposed to asbestosis trigger.

CT Scan Although there is no cure, doctors can treat the symptoms asbestosis. There are drugs that improve lung function, and in some cases doctors may prescribe oxygen for first aid to asbestosis. In other cases part of the scar tissue that can be very severe surgery. For other types of cases doctors may look at the lung more closely with both CT scans, or by endoscopy. If the mass of visible, they may use an endoscope to perform a biopsy of questionable tissue without doing the full surgery on people with asbestosis.

if you want information on asbestosis fully make sure you read every article I wrote like: Asbestosis, Whati is asbestosis?, how is asbestosis diagnosed and diagnosis of asbestosis .

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Asbestosis Surgery

There is no known cure once the lungs have been scarred and asbestosis has developed. Doctors will generally treat asbestosis patients with palliative measures (treatments to relieve the symptoms and make life more comfortable). These include medications such as bronchodilators, aspirin, and antibiotics. Please see Asbestos Treatment for information about other types of treatments.

Only under particular circumstances is surgery a recommended treatment for asbestosis.

Biopsy as a Diagnosis for Suspected Asbestosis

Typically, asbestosis is diagnosed through x-rays and CT scans, but there are times when a doctor may order a biopsy to rule out mesothelioma or another lung tumor. This is likely to happen when a patient's x-ray shows a lesion or nodule that may be cancerous. If the doctor is not able to determine whether the lesion is cancerous from the films alone, they may choose to perform a biopsy to obtain a sample of the tumor for testing.

There are several different methods used to obtain a tissue sample for biopsy. They include:
  • Needle Aspiration: The doctor will insert a hollow needle through the chest and into the tumor to remove a section of the tissue.
  • Thoracentesis: The doctor inserts a hollow needle through the chest wall and into the space between the lungs and the chest to withdraw a sample of the fluid.
  • Thoracotomy: The doctor will open the chest while you are under anesthesia to remove a sample of the lesion. This is major surgery and most doctors will only do it if they intend to remove the suspected tumor.
  • Mediastinoscopy: The doctor will take tissue samples along the windpipe through an incision in the neck.
Doctors will often perform a biopsy when patients with asbestosis have a higher risk of also developing lung cancer or mesothelioma.

Thoracentesis as a Palliative Treatment

While thoracentesis can help the doctor diagnose the presence of lung cancer or mesothelioma, the procedure may also have a palliative use in the treatment asbestosis. Sometimes asbestosis can cause or be accompanied by pleural effusion (the collection of fluid between the chest wall and the lungs). This excess fluid compresses the lungs and makes it difficult and painful to breathe. Removing the fluid can relieve chest pain and allow the lungs to work more efficiently.

Thoracentesis is usually an outpatient treatment. The doctor or technician that performs it will generally use local anesthesia to numb an area on the back. Then a thin, hollow needle is inserted through the chest wall, guiding it between the ribs and into the thoracic cavity. The doctor will use the needle to withdraw fluid from around the lungs. Thoracentesis is the most common and least invasive way of withdrawing this buildup of fluid.

There are risks associated with thoracentesis, including a heightened risk of pneumothorax (air in the pleural cavity) and infection. Contraindications to thoracentesis include poor health and recent anti-coagulant use.

Lung Transplant as Asbestosis Treatment

In the most severe cases, a doctor may decide that a lung transplant is warranted. Lung transplantation is the removal of one or both lungs with the replacement of a lung harvested from a deceased donor. Survival rates of those who have undergone lung transplants are approximately 80 percent at one year post transplant and 60 percent at four years post transplant.

Lung transplants are most often considered when the asbestosis is accompanied by more severe lung diseases such as emphysema or lung cancer. The transplant process is a long and involved one that may make it even less suitable for many asbestosis patients. In order to be considered for a lung transplant, a patient will have to undergo extensive tests and screening to determine the relative chances of a successful transplant. It is a last resort treatment.
