Asbestosis, What is Asbestosis ?
what it is asbestosis?
Asbestosis is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, in which the lungs extensive scar tissue is formed.
Asbestosis disease is due to inhalation of asbestos dust, causing penumokoniosis characterized by pulmonary fibrosis. Exposure can occur in therah industry and mining, can also occur in the area around the factory or the mine where the air is polluted by asbestos dust. Workers can be exposed to asbestosis is working in the mines, milling, transportation, merchant, ship workers and asbestos workers destroyer.
ExaminationIn the early stages many of the physical examination showed no abnormalities, due to diffuse fibrosis can be wet sounding crackles in the posterior lower lobe. This sounds more clearly when there bronchiectasis due to extensive distortion due flbrosis paw. January clubbing (clubbing) senng found in asbestosis.
RadiologicalChanges in chest X-ray is more obvious in the middle and bottom of the paw, can be either diffuse spots or spots that patht, shadow heart often becomes blurred. Diafagma be rising at an advanced stage because of shrinking paw. Pleural thickening usually occurs biral, visible in the middle and lower areas, especially when arising calcification. When the process further look at the picture of a wasp nest lower lobe. May be found in bronchial malignancy or mesothelioma. Unlike the coal penumokoniosis asbestosis and silicosis which patients may have symptoms of shortness of breath without chest radiograph abnormalities.
Physiology Lung Examination.
Examination of lung physiology showed abnormalities restriction though no symptoms in most patients there are abnormalities obsiruksi asbestosis. Diffusion capacity and decreased lung compliance, hypoxemia occurs at an advanced stage.
Lung BiopsyLung biopsy may be necessary in certain cases to establish the diagnosis. Transbronchial lung biopsy should be done to mendapakatan lung tissue. Bronchoscopy examination is also useful rule out or confirm the presence of bronchial carcinoma found together.
Treatment and Prevention.
There is no specific treatment and effective on a lung disease caused by dust industries such as asbestosis. The disease usually have symptoms when abnormalities lanjuL In silicosis and asbestosis diagnosis has been established when the disease may continue to be massive fibrosis although the exposure is removed. When the pulmonary physiology have shown abnormalities in obstructive bronchitis industry, meaning abnormality has become irreversibleTreatment is generally symptoms asbestosis, which is to reduce symptoms. Another drug that is given is supportivePreventive action is the most hoops action on the management of pulmonary disease caused by industrial dust. Various precautions need to be done to prevent disease or reduce the rate of disease. Please note whether in an industry or workplace there are substances that can cause abnormalities in the lungs or can cause asbestosis. Levels of dust in the workplace lowered as low as possible by improving materials processing techniques, such as water usage to reduce the flying dust. If levels remain high dust of workers required to wear protective equipment. Pulmonary physiology and radiological examination before a worker and a periodic examination for early detection of abnormalities that arise. If someone has mendenita disease asbestosis, move to a place that is not exposed might reduce the rate of diseaseWorkers should stop smoking, especially when working in places that have a risk of disease idustri bronchitis and lung cancer, because cigarette smoke thpat elevate the risk of diseasePatients who are atopic ideally recommended to avoid the obvious place thpat trigger asthma attacks, such as silk production, detergents, and the work that has exposure to platinum salts. Industries and workplaces that have a high risk of causing asthma attacks should not menenima atopic employees. Workers who work should be avoided mendenita asthma and exposure to substances in the workplace.
The question that must be planted in your heart is whether you are working can cause asbestosis or not?
in my post tomorrow will be discussed about what it is asbestosis?. to expect you to understand clearly what is associated with asbestosis.
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